6 Things to consider before purchasing A Robot Vacuum

6 Things to consider before purchasing A Robot Vacuum

It’s been about six weeks since our family (finally) spent the money for our first robot vacuum and I can honestly say it was well worth it. Our floors have never been cleaner, which is fantastic considering that we’re practically constantly at home these days. But, as a newbie to robot – vacuums, I was in for a few unpleasant (but, in hindsight, expected) shocks during our first few days together.

So, if you’re thinking about getting your first robot vacuum and thinking, ‘do robot vacuum cleaners work?‘, I say go for it—but before, here are a few things to consider regarding vacuums robot cleaner

#1. They do get trap now and again.

Robot vacuums are well-known for their ability to navigate your house, avoiding obstacles like furniture, loose shoes, and other objects. Even the most excellent robot vacuums, with their optical sensors and the capacity (in more expensive versions) to map your home’s floor plan, may get themselves into situations they can’t get out of.

However, if you observe your robotic companion during its initial few treks about your home, you should be able to recognize potential problems and take action. When my robot – vacuum, for example, rolled on top of a rubber doorstop and couldn’t get off, it became stuck. My solution: Before cleaning, pick up the doorstop from the floor.

#2. Robots eat power wires, shoelaces, and speaker cables!

I released my new Robot vacuum in my apartment on its first day, and one of the first things it did was roll beneath our bed and eat some extension wires. The robot made a beeline for our closet and started chewing on shoelaces when I took the cords out of the Robot vacuum (no serious harm was done) and put it on its course again. When I moved the Robot vacuum downstairs, it ended up in the entertainment room, where it messed with my speaker connections. This isn’t good.

#3. They need regular maintenance.

I mean, it’s self-evident, right? I know, but this truth about robot vacuums took me off guard for some reason, even though I’ve emptied the dust bag in my stupid vacuum more times than I want to remember. However, most robot vacuums must be emptied regularly or after each cleaning (in the case of my Robot – vacuum). Self-emptying vacuum sare the costliest.

#4. It’s up to you to clean their brushes.

A robot vacuum’s dust bins must be emptied regularly and its brushes must be cleaned. My robot vacuum begs me to remove its roller and brush out the dirt and hair that gets twist around its bristles every few cleanings. It just takes a few minutes (the brushes on my vacuum are easy to remove and replace), so it’s not a big problem, but it’s a duty nevertheless.

#5. They can make a lot of noise.

Think twice about letting your new robot vacuum your floors while you’re sleeping. Even the quietest versions create a stir as they speed about your home, crashing into walls and furniture. My robot vacuum doesn’t bother me when I’m working or doing housework (though it does like to nuzzle my feet if I’m sitting at our dining room table), but it’s distracting while I’m trying to watch a movie, and I wouldn’t want it running while I’m trying to sleep.

#6. The home base cannot place almost anyplace.

My robot vacuum’s base station requires around 1.5 feet of open space on each side and four feet of clearance in front to fit against a flat wall. Of course, the positioning requirements for various makes and models may vary, but in general, you’ll want to keep the base station out in the open. If you tuck the base out of the way, your robot may have difficulties detecting it and docking to recharge its battery.